Bishop Mtumbuka Urges Catholics to be Ambassadors of Peace and Light
By Wezi Mwangonde
As the Catholic Church joins all Christians over the world in celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, Bishop Martin Mtumbuka of the Catholic Diocese of Karonga has urged Catholics to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ by bringing light and peace in other people’s hearts.

During his homily for Christmas Vigil at St Joseph the Worker Cathedral in Karonga, Bishop Mtumbuka said Catholics and all people of goodwill have the responsibility of restoring peace in their families and areas, and that the birth of Jesus Christ is a very important gift to everyone.
He stressed on the importance and need of bringing light because light is associated with truth and that Christians have to appreciate that the birth of Jesus Christ has brought light to the whole world and happiness among all the people.
Bishop Mtumbuka said Christians have to understand that peace and light is only found in Jesus Christ who is the Messiah and people who live in a peaceful country are meant to be corrupt free.
‘To all Catholics, Christians and non-Christians, peace be with you as you celebrate this festival season and it is good to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ by being the ambassadors of light and peace. Let me tell everyone that peace and light is only found in Jesus Christ who is born in our hearts today’’, said Bishop Mtumbuka.
Furthermore, he requested all people to follow the example of Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace, by being witnesses.
“As Christians apart from celebrating the birth of Jesus with delicious food you need know the importance of his birth individually, families and in areas that hunger for peace,” said the Bishop.
During the same Eucharistic celebration 16 infants from different outstations in St Joseph the Worker Cathedral Parish were baptized.